Dry Skin Topic Overview – The Cause, Types, And Treatment
Dry Skin Topic Overview – The Cause, Types, And Treatment

Dry skin is known to come with symptoms like skin cracking, itching, and scaling. It can be very uncomfortable. This condition occurs for many reasons. First, you may have dry skin naturally. On the other hand, you can develop dry skin from time to time.

Dry skin does not affect a specific part of the body. What does this mean? It means that it affects every part of the body, as long as there is skin. For this reason, it is common to see dry skin on your hands, legs, arms, and other parts. The good news is that lifestyle changes and some over-the-counter moisturizers are all you need to treat dry skin with after-sun lotion. If these treatment methods do not work, it is wise to consult a physician.
Did you know that cleaning your hands frequently using sanitisers can cause your hands to become dry? This is why experts recommend using a moisturizer immediately after you have sanitized your hands.

The Types Of Dry Skin

The medical term for extremely dry skin is known as Dermatitis. The extremely dry skin condition can be caused by many reasons, such as dry weather, hot water, and exposure to certain chemicals. It can also be a sign of a specific medical condition. With this in mind, the types of dermatitis include:

I) Seborrheic Dermatitis:

This condition occurs when the skin produces too much oil. As such, it produces symptoms like scaly reddish rashes. The rashes will mainly form on the scalp. This condition is highly common in infants.

II) Contact Dermatitis:

This condition develops when the skin comes in contact with a foreign object or item. In other words, it comes as a reaction to something you have touched and may cause inflammation. Under contact dermatitis, the issue can further be broken down into two groups. These are:

Irritant Contact Dermatitis

This happens when the skin is exposed to irritants or agents such as bleach.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis:

This skin condition develops when your skin comes into contact with a substance to which you are allergic, such as nickel.

III) Atopic Dermatitis

This condition is also known as eczema. This is a chronic skin condition that causes dry scaly patches on the skin. This is common among young children. Other conditions like type 2 diabetes and psoriasis can cause dry skin.

Is Dry Skin Normal?

Yes! The older the person gets, the more likely the skin will become dry. As people get to age 60, almost everyone is struggling with dry skin.

What Causes Dry Skin?

Dry skin arises when the skin loses water quickly. Therefore, it is a sign that the skin has become dehydrated. However, some factors can increase the rate at which the skin loses water. It is important to note that it can affect anyone.

These factors include:


As people get older, they are more likely to develop dry skin. That is because the pores naturally decrease the production of oil.

Medical History

If you have a history of skin conditions such as eczema or allergic contact dermatitis, you may develop the condition again in the future.


Did you know that dry skin is more common in the winter and autumn? That is because, during these months, the level of humidity is low compared to the summer months.

Bathing Habits:

Frequent washing or bathing in very hot water increases the risk of dry skin.

Severe And Chronic Dry Skin

Although dry skin is not severe as everybody will experience it once in a while, some people do experience severe dry skin. This makes the skin flaky, irritated, and inflamed. The sad news is that it is hard to successfully treat severe skin conditions.

What Causes Chronic Dry Skin?

Chronic dry skin can be caused by several factors that include:
• Advanced age
• Medications
• Diabetic, kidney, or thyroid disease
• a lack of vitamins
• Anorexia
• Chemotherapy
• Skin barrier dysfunction